The State of the Laundry Industry

Laundry Pickup and Delivery Fame

Laundry 'Matt' Season 1 Episode 94

Tik Tok's ‪@LaundromatGirl‬  went from being a Nurse to Owning her own laundromat and providing laundry pickup and delivery services.  It was a lot of hard work to get it off the ground.  She shares the story of how she built a GREAT team around her, attracted both residential and commercial clients using a custom made website made by Curbside Laundries, and how she got into sharing her story and inspiring others on social media platforms.  She has over ONE HUNDRED MILLION Views on InstaGram and Tik Tok combined!  Incredible!

You can find Laundromat Girl Here:

Tik Tok


Laundromat Girl Consultations & Training

The wash and fold software that Laundromat Girl Trusted to run her business on:

0:00 Laundry Social Media
1:02 Leaping into Laundry Pickup and Delivery
2:16 Expanding and Growing PUD
3:05 Building a Great Laundry Team
5:17 Launching a New Business
6:43 Getting into Wash and Fold
7:27  The Laundromat Website
9:33 Commercial Laundry

Click here to see a demonstration of the Curbside Wash and Fold & Pickup and Delivery solution
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